"More than radon", EGU-2018 talk (1.6 MB, *.pdf)
"Hot Spots in Schweizer Grundwaessern, Beitrag zum 63. Radiometrischen Seminar Theuern" (16 MB, *.ppt)
"Natural radionuclides in groundwater as pollutants and as useful tracers" (170 kB, *.pdf)
"Radon in water measurements based on thin film adsorption" (50 kB, *.pdf)
"Alpha spectrometry sample preparation using selectivly adsorbing thin films" (50 kB, *.pdf)
"A radon-in-water monitor based on fast gas transfer membranes" (110 kB, *.pdf)
"Rapid Method for DU by Alpha Spectrometry" (116 kB, *.pdf)>
"Natuerliche Radionuklide im Grundwasser des Kantons Graubuenden" Ph.D. thesis O.Deflorin, in German, English extended abstract (6 MB, *.pdf)
"Dissolved gases as natural tracers in karst hydrogeology; radon and beyond", a lecture given in Budapest, August 2005 (0.8MB, *.pdf)
"Spatial and temporal variations in the uranium series background in Alpine groundwater", preprint, UMH IV, Freiberg, 2005 ( 0.8MB, *.pdf)
"Environmental Radioactivity for Earth Scientists", a lecture given in Budapest, 2012 ( 8.1MB, *.pdf)
"Les isotopes radioactifs de la serie de l'uranium-238 (222Rn, 226Ra, 234U et 238U) dans les eaux thermales de Suisse" PhD thesis F.Gainon, Neuchatel 2008 ( in French with English abstract, 39 MB, *.pdf)
"Bernd Schott & Jens Wiegand, Processes of radionuclide enrichment in sediments and ground waters of Mont Vully (Canton Fribourg, Switzerland), Eclogae geol.Helv. 96 (2003) 99-107 " (8.3 MB,*.pdf)
"Von Gunten, H. R., Surbeck, H., & Roessler, E. (1996). Uranium Series Disequilibrium and High Thorium and Radium Enrichments in Karst Formations . Environmental Science and Technology, 30, p. 1268."
"Risikoabschaetzung zum Eintrag von Uran aus Duengern ins Grundwasser der Schweiz" Auszug aus BAG-Jahresbericht 2013 (4.8 MB, *.pdf)